[D] – 27/01/2025 Optimization approaches for integrating cutting stock and flow shop scheduling with setup times in automotive chassis manufacturing


Título: Optimization approaches for integrating cutting stock and flow shop scheduling with setup times in automotive chassis manufacturing

Programa: Engenharia de Produção – EESC

Autor: Raínne Florisbelo Gonçalves de Souza

Banca: Prof. Dr. Marcelo Seido Nagano (EESC-USP – São Carlos/SP) Orientador, Prof. Dr. Marcel Andreotti Musetti (EESC-USP – São Carlos/SP), Prof. Dr. Roberto Fernandes Tavares Neto (UFSCar – São Carlos/SP), Prof. Dr. Mauricio Iwama Takano (UTFPR – Londrina/PR), Prof. Dr. Vinicius Amorim Sobreiro (UnB – Brasília/DF)

Defesa: Segunda-feira, dia 27 de janeiro de 2025, às 14 horas

Local: Sala Defesa e no Google: meet.google.com/tcj-ayqu-zaz