Disciplina condensada em inglês: Educational technology and technology-enhanced learning in higher education

Será ofertada, pela Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Hidráulica e Saneamento da Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos (EESC) da USP e pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Pós-Graduação em Rede Nacional para Ensino das Ciências Ambientais (ProfCiAmb), a disciplina Educational technology and technology-enhanced learning in higher education.

A disciplina será ministrada, em inglês, pelo Prof. Dr. Armin Weinberger (), da Saarland University – Alemanha, e ocorrerá nos dias 15, 16, 17, 20 e 21 de março das 18 às 21 horas, presencial.

O período de matrícula será de 9 a 10 de março. Para obter informações do processo de matrícula entrar em contato pelo e-mail: ppgshs@sc.usp.br

A disciplina abordará os seguintes conteúdos:

Objectives: This course provides theoretical background and information of how Educational Technology can be implemented in formal educational settings.

Rationale: Digital technologies have enlarged the toolbox of software and media for learning. The scope of such tools ranges from one-size-fits-all software, e.g., learning management systems, to highly specialized educational resources, such as simulations. Educational Technology research typically focuses on single instructional approaches or tools. Good practices of teaching, however, orchestrate different learning arrangements to generate synergistic scaffolding and to address a range of interdependent learning objectives.

Content: In this course we will discuss

· Application of technology in the classroom, including legal and practical barriers for the use of media.

· Multimedia presentation techniques on interactive whiteboards.

· Design of technology-supported classroom scripts.

· Testing and orchestration of different social learning arrangements with the help of different social media and mobile devices.

· Exchange of experiences with teaching staff and educational technologists.

· Conception of a technology-based teaching unit in different subjects.