[M] – 19/04/2024 A topology optimization of reinforced 2D structures using level set method coupled with isogeometric boundary method


Título: A topology optimization of reinforced 2D structures using level set method coupled with isogeometric boundary method

Programa: Engenharia Civil (Engenharia de Estruturas) – EESC

Autora: Débora Maia Guimarães

Banca: Prof. Titular Edson Denner Leonel (EESC-USP) Orientador, Prof. Hugo Luiz Oliveira (UNICAMP), Profa. Daniane Franciesca Vicentini (UFPR)

Data: Sexta-feira, dia 19 de abril de 2024, às 14h30

Local: Auditório do SET e Google Meet: meet.google.com/ytg-icpo-bxp