[M] – 21/02/2024 The failure modelling of structures composed of quasi-brittle materials via IGABEM and the Extended Lumped Damage approach


Título: The failure modelling of structures composed of quasi-brittle materials via IGABEM and the Extended Lumped Damage approach

Programa: Engenharia Civil (Engenharia de Estruturas) – EESC

Autora: Deborah Cristina Nardi

Banca: Prof. Titular Edson Denner Leonel (SET/EESC/USP) Orientador, Prof. Dr. Aref Kalilo Lima Kzam (UNILA), Prof. Dr. Caio Gorla Nogueira (UNESP)

Data: Quarta-feira, dia 21 de fevereiro de 2024, às 8h30

Local: Auditório do SET e Google Meet: meet.google.com/isg-iqjn-btm