Colóquios IFSC: “Joint Experimental and In Silico Development of New Functional Materials”

Na próxima sexta-feira, 23 de março, às 10h30, no auditório do Instituto de Física de São Carlos (IFSC/USP) “Professor Sérgio Mascarenhas”, ocorrerá mais uma edição do Colóquios IFSC, que será ministrado por André Farias de Moura (UFSCar), com a palestra “Joint Experimental and In Silico Development of New Functional Materials”.

Segue abaixo o resumo do colóquio:

The development of new materials with tailored functionalities has long and continually been a hot topic pushing the borders of science and technology. More recently it has been acknowledged that a faster track towards the development of new functional materials should fully integrate experimental synthesis and characterization with computer simulations of many different flavors. This lecture will showcase some recent examples of this kind of joint experimental-computational-theoretical investigation, involving a multinational research team aimed at developing materials with a very interesting range of chemical, mechanical and optoelectronic properties. Particular emphasis will be laid on the intensive use of large-scale computer simulations to unravel the role played by chirality in the tuning of the properties leading to different applications.

O Colóquios IFSC é um evento semanal promovido pelo IFSC/USP, e é aberto a todos os interessados, não sendo necessária inscrição prévia para participação. Os colóquios são também transmitidos ao vivo pela IPTV USP.

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