Na próxima sexta-feira, 6 de outubro, às 10h30, no auditório do Instituto de Física de São Carlos (IFSC/USP) “Professor Sérgio Mascarenhas”, ocorrerá mais uma edição do Colóquios IFSC, que será ministrado pelo prêmio Nobel de Física William Phillips, para ministrar o colóquio “Quantum Information: A scientific and technological revolution for the 21st century”.
Segue abaixo o resumo do colóquio:
Two of the great scientific and technical revolutions of the 20th century were the discovery of the quantum nature of the submicroscopic world, and the advent of information science and engineering. Both of these have had a profound effect not only on our daily lives but on our worldview. Now, at the beginning of the 21st century, we see a marriage of quantum mechanics and information science in a new revolution: quantum information. Quantum computation and quantum communication are two aspects of this revolution. The first is highly speculative: a new paradigm more different from today’s digital computers than those computers are from the ancient abacus. The second is already a reality, providing information transmission whose security is guaranteed by the laws of physics. The JQI/NIST Laser Cooling and Trapping Group is studying the use of single, ultracold atoms as quantum bits, or qubits, for quantum information processing.
O Colóquios IFSC é um evento semanal promovido pelo IFSC/USP, e é aberto a todos os interessados, não sendo necessária inscrição prévia para participação. Os colóquios são também transmitidos ao vivo pela IPTV USP.
Para acompanhar a programação do Colóquios IFSC, acesse
Imagem: William Phillips (prêmio Nobel de Física de 1997)