Dia 17 | Segunda-feira | 14 horas
On the modeling of risk, resilience and sustainability
In this presentation the focus will be directed on the probabilistic representations of systems. Based is taken in the presentation and discussion of a framework developed by the Joint Committee on Structural Safety, aiming to support decision making in the context of development and integrity management of structures and infrastructure systems. It is shown how, based on this framework, systems risks may be modelled from a perspective focusing on scenarios of events leading to direct and indirect consequences, and also how this modeling perspective facilitates that the robustness of systems may be quantified. Finally, extending on the scenario based perspective the concepts of resilience and sustainability are introduced in a manner that facilitates not only the modeling of events of resilience failure and sustainability failure, but also facilitates answering the important question – how resilient is resilient enough?
Dia 18 | Terça-feira | 9 horas
On Tradeoffs between Sustainability, Safety and Economy in Infrastructure Development
Sustainability is now appreciated to comprise on of the leading objectives in the development and integrity management of the built environment. In the past the leading objective has been adequate safety and economic efficiency – and the basis for developments of past and present safety formats for codified design of structures is based on this. The big question now is how safety formats for the next generation design codes should be established such as to ensure adequate levels of sustainability. To answer this question necessitates a deeper understanding of the tradeoffs between safety, economy and sustainability. In this presentation recent and yet unpublished results on these tradeoffs in the context of design and integrity management of roadway infrastructure systems are presented and their possible implications on future best practices discussed.
Dia 18 | Terça-feira | 14 horas
Hands-on Research Workshop with students from EESC and IAU
Project-Based Learning where Prof. Faber will guide students on the development of sustainability projects for the built environment. Bring in your projects and ideas. All welcome!
Mais informações:
E-mail: atbeck@sc.usp.br