Palestra: “Failure Analysis of Composite Materials”

Nesta sexta-feira, dia 9, às 14h30, acontece a palestra Failure Analysis of Composite Materials, que será ministrada pelo professor da Texas A&M University (TAMU), Ramesh Talreja, na sala de seminários do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica (PPGEM) da Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos (EESC) da USP.

eesc robert talreja

Talreja é docente do Department of Aerospace Engineering e do Department of Materials Science and Engineering da TAMU, e sua visita acontece por intermédio do PPGEM e do Grupo de Estruturas Aeronáuticas do Departamento de Engenharia Aeronáutica da EESC.

A apresentação será realizada em língua inglesa, sendo direcionada a docentes, alunos e pesquisadores das áreas ligadas às engenharias mecânica, de materiais e de estruturas.

A sala de seminários do PPGEM fica nas dependências do Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica da EESC, localizado na Área 1 do Campus da USP em São Carlos, situada na Av. Trabalhador são-carlense, 400.

Confira a seguir o resumo da palestra e do currículo do professor Talreja, em inglês.


Structural integrity of composite materials is determined by failure mechanisms that initiate at the scale of heterogeneities. The local stress fields and balances between the available and dissipative energy components evolve with the progression of the failure mechanisms. Within the full span from initiation to criticality of the failure mechanisms, the governing length scales in a fiber-reinforced composite structure change from the fiber size to a characteristic fiber-architecture size, and eventually to a structural size, depending on the structural geometry and imposed loading environment. Thus a physical modeling of failure in composites must inherently be of multi-scale nature, although not necessarily with the same hierarchical structure for each failure mode.

With this background, the presentation will examine the currently available main failure theories of composites to assess their ability to capture the essential features of failure in these material systems. A case will be made for a different approach. An alternative in the form of physical modeling will be presented and its skeleton will be constructed based on systematic observations and considerations of basic failure modes and associated stress fields and energy balances.

Professor Ramesh Talreja

Talreja is currently Tenneco Endowed Professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Texas A&M University. Prior to that, 1991-2001, he was a professor of aerospace engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. His early research career was at The Technical University of Denmark, where he received his PhD (1974) and Doctor of Technical Sciences (1985). Dr. Talreja has published extensively in the composite materials field, including Fatigue of Composite Materials (1987), Damage Mechanics of Composite Materials (editor, 1994), Polymer Matrix Composites (editor, 2000), Damage and Failure of Composite Materials (with C.V. Singh, 2012) and Modeling Damage, Fatigue and Failure of Composite Materials (editor with J. Varna, 2016). He has written 34 book chapters, given over 240 invited presentations at conferences, universities and industry R&D organizations, taught over 20 short courses, and is or has been on Editorial Boards of 18 international journals. He is the recipient of the 2013 ICCM Scala Award and World Fellow and Life Member of ICCM. His current interests are in cost-effective and sustainable design of composite structures.

Mais informações:
Professor Volnei Tita
Departamento de Engenharia Aeronáutica da EESC
Tel.: (16) 3373-8612

Por Assessoria de Comunicação da EESC
Imagem: Adaptação de Texas A&M Engineering Communications