06/02/2025 [M] – 11/02/2025 Event-based camera in simulated environment and a case study of its application to UAVs in ICLF (Integrated crop-livestock-forestry) systems
04/02/2025 [M] – 05/02/2025 Sistema de apoio ao tratamento para reabilitação motora de membro superior
03/02/2025 [M] – 04/02/2025 Development of low energy and high repetition rate femtosecond laser with potential application to refractive surgery
31/01/2025 [M] – 03/02/2025 Estudo de reticulação de colágeno derivado de pele de tilápia (Oreochromis niloticus) com compostos fenólicos de extratos vegetais
30/01/2025 [M] – 03/02/2025 he influence of Nb2O5 and a-C nanostructured based coatings on the corrosion and wear properties of 316L stainless steel
27/01/2025 [M] – 29/01/2025 QCD coupling from an improved vector-isovector spectral function using tau decays and electroproduction data