Na próxima terça-feira, 5 de dezembro, das 9 às 12 horas, no auditório do Instituto de Física de São Carlos (IFSC/USP) “Professor Sérgio Mascarenhas”, será realizada mais uma edição do workshop “Meet the editors”, que contará com a participação de Katiuscia Casemiro, editora associada da publicação Physical Review A, e de Osvaldo Novais de Oliveira Jr., docente do IFSC/USP, editor associado da publicação ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, e um dos autores do livro Writing Scientific Papers in English Successfully: Your Complete Roadmap.
Segue abaixo o título e resumo das palestras que serão ministradas:
The life of your manuscript in the “Physical Review”
Progress in science is typically registered in the form of scientific papers, the credibility of which is certified by the community, or peers. The purpose of this talk is to clarify the process of peer review, enlightening the role of authors, referees and editors. The life of a paper, nevertheless, is not restricted only to its publication matters. Besides offering a tutorial, we will also discuss initiatives of the Physical Review towards the continuous fostering of scientific developments.
The challenges to publish scientific papers for a non-native English speaker
Knowledge dissemination through scientific publications is one of the most important missions of academics around the world, which represents a special challenge for the majority of researchers whose native tongue is not English. Difficulties with the usage of the English can be potentialized by those related to the scientific discourse, particularly in establishing the message to be conveyed in a manuscript. In this lecture, a strategy will be presented for young researchers to acquire the language required for scientific papers, in addition to recommendations for the structuring of a manuscript.
O workshop é gratuito e aberto a todos os interessados (clique aqui para se inscrever). O evento também será transmitido ao vivo pela IPTV USP.
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